Monday, November 25, 2013

Obtaining Mastery

How does someone measure their own mastery? Looking at the CCIE blueprint I see topics that I'm familiar with or know pretty well but how can I honestly say I've mastered that topic. I decided to come up with some criteria to assure myself that I've mastered a given technology.

  • Learn technology
    • Books
    • Videos
    • Draw how it works
  •  Quick retention of information
    • Multiple choice questions
    • Flashcards
    • Review every two weeks
  • Write about the technology
    • Purpose
    • Usage
    • Inter-workings
  • Configuring and troubleshooting technology
    • Hands on labs
    • Make it relatable
  • Verifying technology 
    • Is it setup correctly
  • Teach someone on the topic
    • Make it easy to understand

  1. Read about technology from two different sources
  2. Watch three different videos on the topic
  3. Draw how technology works
  4. Create and review flashcards
  5. Test questions
  6. Blog about technology
  7. Hands on labs
  8. Teach topic 
  9. Repeat steps 4,5,7 every two weeks

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